The under-citation of Indian studies..


  • K. C. Garg Author
  • S. Kumar Author


Citation analysis, scientific output, scientometrics, uncitedness


Of the 35,640 journal articles and reviews produced by Indian scientists in journals indexed by Science
Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-E) between 2008 and 2013, only 6231 (17.5%) were cited by other
scholars. Most of these papers lacked citations and were published by the State Agricultural Universities
and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. The proportion of uncited works in agricultural
sciences was the highest, followed by those in cross-disciplinary studies and the mathematical sciences.
These publications were published in Indian, Singaporean, Romanian, and Japanese magazines with low
impact factors but no citations. The rate of uncited articles is lowest in the Department of Biotechnology.
Even among high-impact papers, a small fraction were not mentioned by other works


