About the Journal


Indo-American Journal of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences (IAJAVS) is an online International Journal published quarterly. It is a peer reviewed journal aiming to communicate high quality original research work, reviews, short communications, in the fields of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. Articles with timely interest and newer research concepts will be given more preference.

Journal Policies:

Focus and Scope

The Journal publishes research and review articles. The scope of the journal is to publish manuscripts relating to Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Physics, Agriculture and Rural Management, Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Animal Biotechnology, Animal Genetics, Animal Nutrition, Animal Reproduction, Anatomy & Physiology, Aquaculture, Biochemistry, Agricultural, Dairy Production, Epidemiology, Farm Management, Microbiology, Crop Physiology, Climatology, Entomology, Environmental Science, Home Science, Floriculture & Landscaping, Food Science & Technology, Fruits & Horticulture, Nematology, Parasitology, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Plant Protection, Plant Pathology, Pathobiology, Plant Physiology, Post Harvest Technology, Poultry Production, Remote Sensing and GIS, Sericulture, Seed Science & Technology, Soil Science, Vegetable Science, Veterinary Microbiology, Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary Surgery, Virology and any other area related to Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine.

It is essential that authors prepare their manuscripts according to established specifications. Failure to follow them may result in papers being delayed or rejected. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read the instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission. The manuscripts should be checked carefully for grammatical, punctuation errors. All papers are subjected to peer reviewed. All articles published in this journal represent the opinion of the authors and not reflect the official policy of the Journal of Indo-American Journal of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences (IAJAVS).

IAJAVS hopes that researchers, scientists, academicians, industrialists etc. would make use of this journal publication for the development in the fields of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

Section Policies:

Original Research Articles / Review Articles / Short Communications

Peer Review Process:

Indo-American Journal of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences (IAJAVS) is a unique publication dedicated to presenting the results of scientific and technical research from Agriculture and Veterinary discipline in an open-access background. The peer review of each article concentrates on objective and technical concerns to determine whether the research has been sufficiently well conceived, well executed, and well described to justify inclusion in the scientific evidence.

IAJAVS aims to provide the best possible service to authors of original research articles, and the fairest system of peer review, with a dedicated in-house staff and the help of an Editorial Board of internationally renowned scientists. Key peer-review policies include the following:

� Articles will not generally be rejected without the advice of a practicing scientist in the field

� There are 2 stages of review process. The first stage is internal review. In the first stage we will check the plagiarism and the suitability of the paper. If we find any plagiarism we shall return the paper to author asking him/her to modify it.

� The second stage of review is the external refereeing. Under this the paper will be sent to external referees for blind refereeing. The referee has three options; he can give the feedback as accepted/rejected/need to be revised. If the referee accepts the paper, it would be published automatically. If the referee suggests any modifications or revisions in the paper, the author has to revise the paper and resubmit to us. If the referee rejects the paper, we shall return to the author with comments.

Speed of publication:

IAJAVS offers a fast publication schedule whilst maintaining rigorous peer review; the use of recommended electronic formats for article delivery expedites the process. All submitted research articles are subjected to immediate rapid screening by the editors, in consultation with the Editorial Board or others working in the field as appropriate, to ensure they are likely to be of the level of interest and importance appropriate for the journal. The editors will provide an initial response to all submitted manuscripts within two working days and will make every effort to reach a decision following peer review within a week of an article's submission. A fully structured web version, and accompanying laid out PDF, will be published within four weeks of acceptance.

Submission of manuscripts

Manuscripts must be submitted to IAJAVS electronically to [email protected] Full details are given in the Submit Manuscript.


Submission of the manuscript represent that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not considered for publication elsewhere. Corresponding author would be required to sign a CRA form (Copy Right Assignment) once the manuscript is accepted which would be sent to the corresponding author�s email. The corresponding author can download the form sign it and can be send as an attachment file through email or by post/courier along with the publication charges.