Instructions for Authors
The International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology provides the following instructions for authors to ensure a smooth submission and publication process. Authors are invited to submit original research articles, review papers, and short communications that contribute to advancements in agricultural science and technology. Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise English and formatted according to the journal’s specific guidelines, which include proper citation of references and a structured format.
Manuscripts should be organized into the following sections: title, abstract (250 words or less), keywords, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments (if applicable), and references. Tables and figures should be placed at the end of the manuscript or uploaded as separate files, each accompanied by clear captions. The total word count for research articles should typically not exceed 5000 words, while shorter communications should be concise and not exceed 3000 words.
Authors are required to submit their manuscripts through the journal’s online submission system, where they must upload all necessary files, including the manuscript, supplementary materials (if any), and a list of suggested reviewers (optional). Authors must ensure that the manuscript is free from plagiarism and properly cites all sources, including data, figures, and previous publications. For manuscripts that involve human or animal studies, ethical approval and consent should be clearly stated.
Upon submission, the manuscript will undergo a peer-review process, and authors will be provided with feedback and decisions regarding acceptance, revision, or rejection. Authors are expected to respond to reviewer comments in a timely manner and make necessary revisions to improve the quality and clarity of the manuscript.
For any questions or further details, authors can refer to the journal’s website or contact the editorial office. The journal encourages authors to adhere strictly to these guidelines to expedite the review process and ensure the highest quality of published work in the field of agricultural science and technology.